After the spiritual powers, there is no thing in the world more unconquerable than the spirit of nationality. ... The spirit of nationality in Ireland will persist even though the mightiest of material powers be its neighbor.
The Economics of Ireland and the Policy of the British Government (1921)
In 1914 AE designed the The Starry Plough of the Irish Citizen Army as a banner for his friend James Connolly. It was the flag flown in 1916 rising by the volunteers in the GPO. It was confiscated at that time by the British and not returned until 50 years later, in 1966. Its title became in 1926 the name of a famous Sean O'Casey play. The Starry Plough was as symbolic of AE as it was of the Citizen Army; the plough symbolising the work to be done in life as well as his contributions to the farming community in Ireland. The Seven stars can be applied to the esoteric teaching of the Seven Chakras from Ancient Indian wisdom which guided his life. W.B. Yeats tells us that A.E. was 40 years quoting the Upanishads to him saying “he expressed in his ceaseless vague preoccupation with the East a need and curiosity of our times” The stars could be symbolic of his deep awareness since childhood of the spiritual influences controlling our lives, his lifelong interest in the esoteric teachings of Helena Blavatsky as well as his awareness that “every thought is either opening or closing a door to the Divine world”.