Plan -Many of us believe we been born into this world without an instruction manual and spend forever trying to figure out how all the pieces might fit together. Being introduced to Astrology opened my eyes to the order that is in the Universe and with it came the revelation that we are mini universes that function in the same way. We are worlds within worlds all functioning under the same laws of nature. Discovering a blueprint that is unique to every soul that showed how our internal and external systems work, that shows our unique potential was a real eye-opener. As we learn to witness how we function at every level and having an understanding of what the time is right for brings great ease to the mind. It helps us to work to our potential with deep meaning as we see our connections in the Divine plan.
MEDIA - We are living in a world full of uncertainty and having the faith to surrender to the way it is inviting us to participate will ultimately require us to let go all the expectations and conditioning that have been imposed by our society. We can get lost in the petty jingles of the media and let other people’s stories become our refuge but the day will come when we get the opportunity to wake up. This can be so shocking that we have to run for the medication (legal or illegal) as an even stronger method of keeping us asleep. However, the only people having their lives lit up with this route are the drug companies as they collect their millions. These methods are responsible for keeping whole generations asleep; any inputs from the outside can keep us asleep to our own Divinity for a long time. If we watch the news or the soaps we are listening to the lengths people have gone to in order to satisfy desires (usually for money or sex). When we step back from the drama we can see that the game that is being played is the age old dance of attraction or aversion. “I like him, I don’t like her” and the conversation will usually run a circle around “he said, she said or he did, she did”. The more we feel a victim or a hero in the situation the more passion we bring to the expression of our dilemma, whether its covering our heads in shame or blowing out our chests with pride. What we need at the end of these programmes is a reality check to remind us of the game that our minds are playing on us by placing importance on our personal dramas while forgetting that we are part of a Universe that has a much grander agenda being expressed through millions of galaxies than anything our little minds can conceive of. This is where the benefits of Astrology lie and particularly Indian Astrology (Jyotish) as it serves to put our dramas into perspective and gives us a time for everything including our successes and failures. In the right hands it can relieve us from the burden of responsibility for the world as we see it. Being able to surrender to the web of life that is spun for all of us is essential to being able to stay with the journey. Making a big fuss, like the fly struggling for its freedom after it has been caught, is a waste of time. We are caught and we must learn to let go into what that means with no excuses, no victims or heroines. Just being part of the dance is our opportunity to share our unique quality of the light rays that activated our journey; we are in the perfect place, with the ideal people getting exactly the experiences we deserve. |
UNIQUENESSPeace of mind is our greatest treasure and the ancient wisdom schools left us a rich reservoir of draw from on how this can be achieved. The Vedas, the oldest scripture still available, understood the influences that were shaping our thinking and Maharishi Parasara in the Divine Science of Astrology left us his teachings that we might learn to live more meaningful lives. Watching how our minds work as we repeat the same stories, replay the same old tapes shows how we get stuck in patterns of behavior that can only be broken when some major catalyst for change presents itself. If we wait for the events to unfold the change can be very traumatic while if we recognize where the changes are needed we are more willing to surrender to what’s best for our growth and development. With the wisdom of astrology we can know where our thinking is stuck and what limits us from fulfilling our aspirations and living up to our potential.
What is extraordinary is the uniqueness in nature; there are no duplicates and what might satisfy one soul could be totally abhorrent to another. Yet we are expected through our civilized education systems to all sit quietly, recite from the same hymn sheet, wear the same uniforms, work on assembly lines and as much as possible not rock the boat for the privileged powerful few who made these rules. Suicide, drugs, media, fear based religions, hospitals and goals are all methods of keeping those who cannot tow the line from functioning. What it will take to break out of the programming imposed on us by all of this abhorrent abuse to the mind. The soul through nature has its way of getting us to wake up from the regular doses of escapism we use to cope with the crippling humiliation necessary to make the system work. Crisis - When the crisis comes we start to ask the deeper questions about "Who am I" and "why was I born". In trying to find the answers I discovered there is very little help available from the outside and withdrawal from the superficiality of the world becomes necessary to uncover these deeper truths. Why the men of science and the cloth find this so threatening and regularly throw scorn and derision on seekers of metaphysical truths is a sure sign that they have something to lose by such investigations. But with so many souls now tormented, living unfulfilled lives whose minds are preoccupied with superficial nonsense the time must be coming again when the light of knowledge will once more be allowed to shine in this wonderful world by finding our esoteric connections to the sacred in our everyday lives. Self-help - The book market is now flooded with books and tapes on how we can tackle the problems of our addictive and often destructive thinking patterns that for the most part keep us unhappy and this is great. However, their formula are limited in applications as no two minds are the same and unless we have some knowledge of our own blueprint we are only exchanging one method of programming for another without valuing the unique needs of each individual. Unfortunately one size does not fit all for the body, mind or soul - until we realise this we are setting ourselves up for more disappointment and adding to our sense of inadequacy. For self-realisation we have to be willing to explore our deeper questions for ourselves. Outside opinions can help as they serve to mirror back to us who we are and the greatest mirror of all is the blueprint we were born with. That moment in time when we arrive here is the seed that must become the tree. For the true seeker the quest is life long but having a road map is a great help however arduous the task of learning to read it. Having someone else read it for you is like someone providing a meal for you, it can satisfy your appetite for that day but if you learned to cook you are fed for life. |