“A day spent without a conscious attempt to clean one's heart is a day wasted. Impurity of cloth or body will lead to diseases which will last only for one lifetime. But impurity of heart will lead to diseases which will afflict the soul for several births”. Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati, (1894-1994) Shankaracharya of the Kanchi Kamakoti Peedam
A Craftsman pulled a reed from the reed bed
Cut holes in it and called it a human being
Since then it has been wailing a tender agony of parting
Never mentioning the skill that gave it life as a flute... RUMI
With or without a birth chart, the wisdom of ancient India has left us with many tools for helping us to make friends with the mind and provide it with security. One of the most powerful tools is the repetition of a Mantra which helps to cleanse, protect and strengthen the mind. The Sanskrit word Mantra comes from MANA meaning Mind and TRA meaning Protect. It usually involves reciting or singing holy names with a certain number of words and syllables to strengthen specific qualities. Using a three-word six-syllable mantra is very powerful for directing our efforts towards minimising our vices and doing good work that will be beneficial. There are many examples including
Our word for this is prayer and when done with emotion over a period of time will create positive vibrations and provide a sanctuary to turn to whatever life may bring.
In India it is common to have many deities that people pay homage to and they usually reflect the personality that is most comfortable to love or the ways we relate and share our love. For some it is the love of a father that most clearly representatives the Divine, for others it is the Mother and the Divine in the form of a female. If we take all of the planets in turn we can see the type of relationship that we can most easily relate to:
Sun is the Father/Male aspect of Divinity
Moon is Mother/Female aspect of Divinity
Mars is Brother/personal army
Mercury is Friends/extended family
Jupiter is love we would have for a wise teacher/Protector
Venus is beloved
Saturn is servant/democracy/disciplinarian/servant do service
Rahu is foreigner/fierce feminine
Ketu is mystic OM!
is a fire ceremony that has deep macrocosmic symbolism and has lessons for the modern man’s quest for environmental rejuvenation and balance in society,” said Shekhar Shastri, the program chair for WAVES 2010.
Prof. Subhash Kak, a leading scientist, described the astronomical significance of the Vedic Yajna especially the number 108 which corresponds to the distance between the earth and the Sun, and also the distance between the earth and the Moon - and that the Yajna is a symbolic inner journey to the inner cosmos.
Gemstone of a planet are worn to alleviate its difficulties and/or to attract its beneficial effects. The Gem will help the planet fulfill it function for the house/s it rules and is said to increase its ability to achieve results for the house it is in and any other planet it has an influence on. It is recommended to initially attach the stone to the body and assess its worth through your experiences before having it mounted. If in doubt don’t wear it.
"Man will always be mad and those who think they can cure them are the maddest of all - Voltaire